
A Lighting Upgrade & New Hot Water System For Ambulance Victoria

How Ambulance Victoria upgraded their lighting to LEDs and their hot water system, and will now abate 1 tonne of carbon and save themselves $1,000 a year!

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A Hot Water Heat Pump & LED Upgrade For Ambulance Victoria, Eaglehawk


This branch of Ambulance Victoria made the smart switch utilising incentives through the VEU program to subsidise the initial investment and reduce their energy costs and hot water bills.


ambo victoria Eaglehawk


Ambulance Victoria (AV) aims to improve the health of the community by providing high quality pre-hospital care and medical transport. AV provides emergency medical response to more than 6.7 million people in an area of more than 227,000 square kilometres. They engaged Energy Makeovers to upgrade the lighting at their sites throughout Victoria to energy efficient LED technology and were so impressed with the results that they asked Energy Makeovers to propose improvements to their water heating facilities.

Analysis of AV’s energy consumption pattens identified that the water heaters installed at each of their sites throughout Victoria were a significant contributor to their greenhouse gas footprint. Energy Makeovers designed a bespoke water heating solution for each site utilising state super efficient electric heat pump technology.

Heat pump water heaters would not only reduce their greenhouse gas footprint, but also significantly reduce their energy costs whilst delivering a reliable supply of hygienic hot water. Each site received a unique design to best suit their needs, and the heat pumps were installed by Energy Makeovers’ expert fully qualified team of plumbers and electricians. Energy Makeovers managed the process to ensure AV were able to benefit from all available Government incentives to reduce the cost of each installation.

AV will now have almost no maintenance costs associated with their water heating. And they’ve dramatically improved their energy efficiency, saving the business over $1,300 after 5 years! Carbon abatement of: 1.4 barrels of oil left in the ground, 15 seedling trees planted, and 4 tonnes of greenhouse gas saved.

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