
Shrink lighting bills by up to 87%

To increase energy efficiency the Australian Government phased out incandescent globes in 2010. While a step in the right direction it didn’t address the millions of Australian homes filled with inefficient halogen downlights.

How to shrink your lighting bills

Just like old-style lights halogen lights work by making a wire so hot it glows white hot. This emits a bright light but most of the electricity is wasted as heat. Halogens can reach over 300 degrees C and can cause ceiling fires if incorrectly installed or if they come in contact with flammable material, such as ceiling debris or old insulation.

A halogen downlight typically uses 50W (watts) plus another 5-10 W for the old transformer hidden in the ceiling. That makes them about as inefficient as old school light bulbs. If your home has 20 halogen lights they will use over $500 of electricity a year!

Energy Makeovers and GE can help you shrink your lighting bill by up to 87%.

GE has invented a LED downlight that’s as bright as a halogen downlight but uses up to 87% less power. GE engineered these lights to last over 12 times longer than a halogen light. They run cool and don’t need an external transformer, which makes your home safer and more livable.

Sick of large electricity bills

If you are sick of big electricity bills and climbing ladders do yourself a favour and learn how Energy Makeovers can upgrade your home to GE next generation LED downlights. You’ll soon enjoy smaller bills and sleep easy knowing that we’ve taken the hot lights and troublesome old transformers out of your ceiling.


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