
How the Energy Saver Incentive helps Victorian households and businesses save energy and money

VEET scheme requirements

The Victorian Government offer discounts and special deals on selected energy-saving products and appliances under the Energy Saving Incentive. You could be living a greener, energy saving life by implementing some of the solutions that are available to you.

The bigger the greenhouse gas reduction, the more you can save.

The Energy Saver Incentive helps Victorian households and businesses

To be eligible for assistance, you must:

– only purchase specified energy-saving products and services from participating businesses
– have the appliance or product professionally installed where required. If you install some products yourself, you may not be eligible for assistance, so make sure you check with your participating business before you buy the product.
– complete the relevant paperwork at the time of purchase. You’ll typically receive the incentive at the time of purchase, so make sure you know what type of incentive you’ll receive before you buy.

Homeowners, renters, landlords and businesses are eligible for the discounts and special offers. If you’re renting, check to see if you need your landlord’s permission before making changes to your home.

A number of other conditions apply. Check your eligibility on the Victorian Government website.

The Energy Saver Incentive can help you with the cost of purchasing:

– under-floor insulation, weather-proofing strips, double-glazed
– windows, chimney dampers and vent covers
– energy-efficient fridges and freezers and help with recycling the old fridge
– more energy-efficient heaters
– more energy-efficient cooling
– hot water system replacements and upgrades
– energy and water-saving showerheads
– energy-efficient lighting
– high efficiency TVs
– energy-efficient clothes dryers
– energy-saving pool pumps
– standby power controllers to reduce the amount of power used by computers and home entertainment systems.


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