Solar - how to reduce energy costs in business

Do you have a business that uses a lot of energy on a regular basis? Energy bills can make a considerable dent in the profits of businesses of all sizes. So, if you do use a lot of energy your business property could be a great candidate for a solar energy system.

In 2022 Victoria increased its solar energy supply again, reaching a new record of 38.2% of its energy supply generated by renewable energy with 8.1% accounted for by rooftop solar.

“The final tally for small-scale (<100kW) installations in 2022 won’t be known for a while yet, but to the end of November last year there had been been more than 256,711 new systems added” source.

There is quantifiable data for the growing demand of sustainable energy solutions and increasing awareness of the benefits of solar power.

Benefits of Commercial Solar Installation

There are several benefits to installing solar panels for your business:

Cost Savings

The most significant benefit of commercial solar installation is the cost savings. Solar energy is free, and once you have installed the solar panels, you can generate electricity without incurring any additional costs. This means that you can significantly reduce your energy bills and increase your profits.

Environmentally Friendly

Solar energy is a renewable energy source, and it does not produce any harmful emissions. By installing solar panels, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment. Great for the bottom line and your PR.

Increase Property Value

Commercial solar installation can increase the value of your property. Solar panels are considered an asset and can make your property more attractive to potential buyers.

Factors to Consider When Installing Solar Panels

When considering a commercial solar installation, there are several factors to consider:

Energy Needs

Before installing solar panels, your business will need to evaluate its energy needs. The size of the solar panel system needed will depend on the energy consumption of the business. One of our energy-saving experts can help you assess your energy demands and how a solar energy system can support those needs.

Available Space

The space available for solar panel installation is also an essential factor to consider. If your business has limited roof space, ground-mounted solar panels may be a better option.


The orientation of the solar panels is critical to their efficiency. The panels should be installed in a location that receives maximum sunlight throughout the day.

Here’s where your business can really benefit from solar:

  • Large open roof space/ ground space – if you have the space available this can provide flexible orientation for your solar panels.
  • A longer business plan and outlook – due to the ROI period of solar those businesses that will be around for the long term and have no plans to move property will benefit the most from a solar installation.

If you’re not sure if solar is right for your business property or energy demands, we can always check for you. We offer a FREE site inspection (valued at $500). There’s no obligation and it will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Commercial Solar Case Study

Federal Mills, Geelong selected Energy Makeovers to complete a commercial solar energy installation on their business property. Thanks to their investment they’ll save over $31,000 a year in their energy costs, which is incredible.

Click here to download this Case Study

Federal Mills case study blog picture


Payment options for a commercial solar installation

If you’re concerned about covering the initial financial investment of a commercial solar installation we can help you assess your options.

These are just some of the financing options available:

  • Government Grants
  • Local Council Grants
  • PPA*
  • Cashflow
  • Green Lending Finance – many vendors available including Bright Finance, Plenti Solar Loans, Humm Group and the big 4 banks will provide green initiatives finance options.

*A power purchase agreement (PPA) is an agreement between a power producer and a power purchaser. The power purchaser agrees to buy the electricity produced by the power producer at an agreed-upon price for a specified period of time. PPAs help reduce the risk of investment in renewable energy projects.

If you’re not sure of your options, we can help. If you don’t have the finances for this investment yet, don’t worry, there are solutions.

Why partner with Energy Makeovers?

Take the first step towards solar savings – schedule a FREE site inspection valued at $500 today! Our solar experts will assess your rooftop or open space for solar panel installation and provide you with a custom solar proposal tailored to your energy needs.

You have nothing to lose but soaring high energy costs.


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