
Could millions of dollars be saved?

Savings millions of dollars through energy efficiency

As reported by the BBC, a country like the UK could save itself £8bn a year if it improved its energy efficiency through energy storage from renewable sources like wind and solar and utilising smart energy systems. “Here’s how it would work: At a time of peak demand, an energy firm’s computer will contact your smart freezer to ask if power can be switched off for a few minutes to allow your neighbour to use some of the energy to cook dinner.” Or your well-insulated freezer will stay cold without electricity for a while, so it will agree to power down.” They suggest to encourage this by offering a credit on a customer’s energy bill. During times of low energy demand, smart appliances like dishwashers and washing machines can be alerted to switch on to benefit from cheap power.

smart energy use

If this were expanded across the country to their 64 million inhabitants the UK would require fewer power stations.

The Marriott Hotel chain already utilises a smart energy system, with air con that switches off during peak electricity demand. The air con remains cool due to the back up supply of cooled water in the system.

Lord Adonis, Chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission believes that this new infrastructure, could save the country £8bn a year.

“…people haven’t yet grasped the transformative potential of information systems on the internet to maximize the efficient use of electricity;” Head of the World Energy Council, Christopher Frei.

As countries increase their electricity use, not only by a natural demand for more energy, but with the uptake of electric vehicles and home heating and cooling systems a flexible energy system could be just what’s needed to supply demand. Could a system like smart energy work for Australia?


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