
Five fast facts about climate change impacts in Australia

With climate change affecting the way we live, we thought we’d provide you with five simple facts about how climate change may have an impact on life in Australia.

As the increase of carbon in the atmosphere continues, the impact of climate change will continue to impede on multiple areas of Australia.

1. Infrastructure

A busy road
As the climate increases the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, the impacts will be on insurance, buildings, public and private infrastructure.

With the incidence of rising sea levels, the shoreline will proceed to impede on coastal communities.

2. Coral bleaching

The Great Barrier Reef is a world heritage listed environmental asset that harbours many fish species and a rich ecosystem.

With increased acidic oceans due to climate change, corals will be destroyed by the incidence of bleaching, which will impact the Reef as a tourist attraction and the food supply of seafood.

3. Health

A doctor helps a patient
Climate change will have impacts on the basic need of health in humanity: clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and shelter.

Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250, 000 additional deaths per year worldwide, from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress. Source: World Health Organisation In Australia, the impacts of heat stress and natural disasters will provide flow-on effects to the health of susceptible Australians.

4. Agriculture


Australia is projected to be one of the most adversely affected regions from future changes in climate in terms of reductions in agricultural production and export according to the Climate Council report, Feeding a Hungry Nation: Climate change, food and farming in Australia.

Rising temperatures of climate change and greater frequency of more intense weather events will cause crop yields to be impacted negatively with less productivity across the agricultural sector.

This impact will put pressure on agricultural producers and will consequently have an impact on the availability of food resources for Australia. Source: SBS Australia

5. Water Management

Many parts of Australia are already experiencing dry spells. With the climate change, parts of Australia experiencing a long-term drying trend linked to climate change that will likely persist and to be further exasperated with the variance in weather and climate conditions. The El Nino extreme climate conditions will put pressure on the biodiversity and have a direct impact on waterways with less rainfall during drought periods.

What can you do?

With the emergence of new technologies and government policies, there are a few things that you can do to help mitigate and reduce your carbon footprint.

Renewable energy, energy-efficient home appliances all contribute to reducing your carbon footprint and the effects of climate change.

You can also take advantage of the VEET scheme’s free LED downlight upgrade. Learn more about how you could gain the many benefits of LED lights here:

Find out if you could get FREE LED Downlights – CLICK HERE

Key findings of the Climate Council’s report can be found here

Post update: As of winter 2021, the FREE downlight offer will no longer be available and charges may occur


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