
Top 6 spring energy saving tips: get ready for the Australian summer

It’s spring and the days are getting longer. There are a number of things that you can do to reduce your power bill and the impact of your carbon footprint. We’ve mentioned a few things that you can do now in the spring time in order to prepare for the Australian summer ahead.

1. Spring clean around your home including your air-conditioning units and filters

Flowers in spring

As you’re cleaning up around your home, preparing to welcome warmer days ahead, don’t forget to clean windows, screens and air-conditioning filters.
Ensuring that your air-conditioning unit (if you use it) is functioning properly and efficiently starts with cleaning any potential blockages out of filtration units. This will enable the appliance to work most effectively, improves air quality and reduces the energy consumption of the unit which would otherwise struggle to run with the debris in the way.

2. Use energy efficient appliances and service them regularly

The Energy Star Rating System is your guide to choosing an energy-efficient appliance; the more stars, the more efficient the appliance will run, which will save on your power bills.

3. Set your thermostat for air-conditioning to 24C

shutterstock_88487278 Temperature set at 24C is comfortable enough to relieve you from heat and won’t impact on your energy bill. You will balance your needs to keep cool and you’ll also alleviate the impact of running your air-conditioning on your bill.

4. Make your windows energy efficient

double glazed windows
Consider glazing or tinting windows to keep the heat of summer out and the cold of winter out too. Also, use curtains to block out strong sunshine that can warm your home up considerably. You could also consider external blinds for privacy and heat protection.

5. Consider cross-ventilation elements and fans instead of air-conditioning

Capturing the cool breeze will quickly cool down your home in the evening and let the hot air escape. Assess what windows could be opened in co-ordinance with other windows and screen windows and doors etc. Another tip is once the sun sets on a hot day, hose your roof down to cool your home.

6. Install LED lights to save energy and reduce heat

electrician holding a downlight
By installing LED lights you can save energy and reduce heat. Did you know that halogen lights can run above 300C!? The VEET scheme has enabled households and businesses to make the upgrade to energy-efficient products for free. You can learn more about the available energy efficient products here.

You can get in touch with Energy Makeovers to discuss your options for energy saving here


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